Dick Cahill Memorial Scholarship Report - Finance Conference: 6 – 8 December 2023

Sangita Prajapati, Finance Team Leader, Bourke Shire Council

Why did you apply for the Dick Cahill Scholarship?

Our council is located in the remote area and have access to very limited resources. Sometimes our council  struggle to send their staff on conference/ training due to financial hardship. I feel very fortunate to receive this scholarship.  

Do you feel this scholarship helped with your professional development?

Yes, it did. Especially on networking with leaders from other council and sponsors

Was there a particular session you enjoyed the most?

AI & Investment.

Was there a particular speaker that you enjoyed listening to?

All the speaker were amazing. Especially the one came from CBA.

What were your key takeaways?

AI is dominating the world these days, we need to upgrade ourselves accordingly. I learnt new skills and techniques from other council regarding payroll and creditor processing, and new skills on investment.