
Practical Application of AI for Local Government

Practical Application of AI for Local Government


About the Event

This round table discussion brings together local government professionals from different disciplines and roles, to discuss the practicalities of applying AI in NSW councils, the opportunities, considerations the sharing of successes.

12.00pm Light Lunch
  12.30pm How Telstra are Applying AI to Business Practices
In our opening session we will hear from Telstra Representatives on how Telstra are deploying AI across the business.  This includes internal, and also to enhance engagement with their customers and to elevate their customers’ experiences. 
  1.00pm Considerations When Implementing AI
When implementing AI, there are many considerations that must be considered to ensure success. As part of the workshop, we will explore some of the most important considerations:
1. Problem definition and identifying the business objectives.
2. Data quality
3. Model selection including complexity, the amount of data required to train it, and the accuracy of the model.
4. Integration with existing systems to ensure it works seamlessly.
5. Ethical considerations and issues related to privacy, security, and bias. 
  2.30pm Open Discussion
As part of the workshop, we will allow time for open discussion amongst participants, with time to ‘ask an expert’ for any burning questions or council specific concerns.
  3.30pm Close


Thursday, 22 February 2024
12:00 pm to 3:30 pm
400 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000