Managing Psychosocial Hazards, including Harassment

Join our course for an understanding of the legal obligations managers have in relation to sexual harassment and discrimination and psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

Member Price: $450

Non-member Price: $600

In recent times this area has been on the forefront of manager communication. The positive duty is a legal obligation for all employers to take proactive and meaningful action to prevent relevant unlawful conduct from occurring in the workplace or in connection to work. All Councils desire a safe and thriving working environment, therefore leaders must understand their positive duty obligations. Amendments to the Fair Work Act and updates to the Code of Practice to include provisions on the management of psychosocial risks, mean that leaders need to ensure they are at the forefront of best practice to protect council and its employees. In this 1 day course you will get up to speed on the important knowledge in this area and go through some current case studies.



21/11/2024 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
L18 347 Kent St Sydney, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA
Spots available


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