Property Forum: Crown Land Management

The Property Forums are an online professional development opportunity exploring a range of topics pertinent to property professionals at NSW Councils.

The Property Forums are held online and each will cover a specific topic.  Please register and add the date and time to your personal calendar so that you keep yourself available to attend.

This Forum is Crown Land Management, and will be on Tuesday 15 October, from 10am until 12pm

As a new initiative the Forums will be complimentary until 2025.

Crown Land Management

Crown land is land held by the NSW Government on behalf of the public, for the benefit of the community.  Government and the community work in partnership to manager the Crown Estate.  NSW Councils are a major participant in the management of Crown land, and as appointed Crown land managers for around 6,500 reserves, have a crucial role to play in their care on behalf of the community.

The Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act) authorises councils to manage Crown land as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG ACT).  This provides greater autonomy, but comes with responsibilities for councils who must consider a range of factors and legislation in their decision making, with regards to dealings and activities on Crown reserves.

This session will provide:

  • An overview of the Crown reserve management system in NSW and insights into the diversity of Crown land use
  • An understanding of how our Crown land managers help in managing the reserve system effectively and efficiently
  • Information specific to council Crown land management including plans of management of Crown land that is community land
  • An understanding of Aboriginal rights and interest in Crown land
  • An opportunity for questions and discussion

Confirmed speakers include Matthew Hutchens, Senior Project Officer, Crown Lands and Public Spaces and Dan Heather, Director Crown Land Manager Financial Reporting, Crown Lands and Public Spaces


15/10/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time


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