Integrated Planners Member Network Forum

Please join us for the Integrated Planners Member Network forum, where we will update the sector for what is coming up this year and current sector issues.


The Integrated Planners Member Network Forum provides IPR professionals a chance to connect and collaborate on important industry topics.

Join us as we explore recent developments, current issues and what is coming up in 2024 for IPR. 

Free for members!

Non Members $110


 9.30am Registration and networking

Welcome from Luke Harvey, Director Corporate Services, North Sydney Council
LG Professionals NSW update on what we have planned for 2024 for the planners


North Sydney Council Case Study: Key Informing Strategies Framework, Emma FitzRoy Executive Manager Organisational Performance.  This session outlines the development of North Sydney Council’s suite of strategies underpinning our IP&R framework and how they will directly inform our new Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program. The informing strategies ensure that Council’s actions are directly aligned with achieving community aspirations. This approach seeks a consolidation of over 50 supporting plans and strategies from across the organisation, many of which were adopted without budget or prioritisation.

 10.50am Office of Local Government Update: The OLG Manager of Engagement, will update the sector on what the what is new at the Office of Local Government and for the industry, and the IP&R Handbook.
 11.20am Regional Health Strategic Opportunities - The Regional Health Division Team and Brad Byrnes General Manager Cabonne Shire Council, will present the NSW Regional Health Strategic Plan implementation and reporting.  They will also outline the current and future engagement opportunities with regional communities, the progress against the NSW Country Mayors Health Priorities and joint planning partnership opportunities. 
 12.00pm Lunch

Measuring IPR - Workshop
The potential list of measures for use in Integrated Planning and Reporting documents are endless and varied. In this session we will explore how councils use indicators to measure progress against Community Strategic Plan objectives. We will workshop how our current sets of measures can improved and discuss how these measures supports the other plans in IPR.

 3.30pm General Business and Around the Grounds
 4.00pm Close


*the agenda is subject to change

29/02/2024 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
AUS Eastern Summer Time
Genia McCaffery Room Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability Balls Head Drive Waverton, NSW 2060 AUSTRALIA


Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Accommodation in a King room, room only rate
28/02/2024 - 29/02/2024

Thursday, 29 February 2024

Accommodation in a King room, room only rate


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