Governance Conference 2023

An organisational approach to governance


With a focus on a whole of organisation approach to good governance, this year's conference is complete with presentations, panel discussions, engaging speakers and industry experts. Our program covers topics including:

An Organisational Approach to Governance
Information and Privacy
The New Public Interest Disclosures Act
Child Safe Standards
Ethical Decision Making
Service Reviews

We hope to see you there.




Wednesday 22 March 2023

12.00pm Lunch and Registration
12.30pm Welcome

Office of Local Government Update
John Davies, Manager, Council Governance - Policy and Sector Development Group, Office of Local Government

The OLG will cover a range of topics including the new Guidelines of Risk Management and Internal Audit for Local Government in NSW, the outcomes of the review of the councillor misconduct framework, our response to recent ICAC corruption prevention recommendations and the development of lobbying guidelines, the new tendering regulations and the development of procurement guidelines


Information and Privacy Commission
Elizabeth Tydd, Information Commissioner, CEO, Information and Privacy Commission NSW

The IPC has been invited back to the conference this year to discuss Offences under the GIPA Act and Decision Making for GIPA Applications and the role of the IPC in the External Review Process.

2.30pm Afternoon Tea Break

Managing the Risks Associated with Council Meeting
Todd Hopwood, Manager Governance and Customer Service, Wollongong City Council
Flora Lepouras, Executive Manager, Shellharbour City Council
Sonja Drca, Manager Governance & Legal, Fairfield City Council

According to governance leaders, the council meeting process is one of the most important yet inefficient processes in council. It is the core democratic process of local government, but its complexity presents hidden and costly risks for councils.

In this panel discussion, we will highlight the shared challenges facing councils in relation to council meetings.  The conference panel will share their insights on managing key person and business continuity risk and discuss best practice insights from a recent industry insights research report.

New Public Interest Disclosures Act
Louise Lazzarino, Assistant Ombudsman (Systems Oversight), NSW Ombudsman

In this session we will review what’s changed with the new Public Interest Disclosures Act and what it means for councils. 

Child Safe Standards 
Harris Short, Child Safe Officer, NSW Office of the Children's Guardian

The Child Safe Standards identify what works to make organisations safer for children. They emphasise the importance of adopting multiple strategies to address child safety. 

Principle-based and focused on outcomes, in this session we will explore how councils have the flexibility to implement them in ways that are meaningful, achievable and related to their size, resources and workforce.  

5.00pm Day One Close
6.00pm - 9.00pm


Dinner tonight will be held at the Pizzeria!

Join us as we begin the night with a pop up cellar door experience and wine tasting hosted by one of the local wine makers. Mix and mingle with fellow delegates and sponsors as experience the most celebrated Hunter Valley wines. 

Following the wine tasting, it's time to roll up your sleeves for our interactive and chef facilitated cooking class! Delegates will have the option to create delicious pizza masterpieces which we will serve in the Pizzeria for dinner tonight.

And there's still more...

Following dinner, we will light the bon-fire and delegates can join us for toasted marshmallows and S'mores, before retiring to their luxury accommodation for the night.


Program subject to change. Program updates will be posted here

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For more information please contact Rosanna Yip on 8297 1202 or [email protected]