Dick Cahill Memorial Scholarship Report - Finance Conference: 6 – 8 December 2023

Taylah Hazelman, Accountant, Berrigan Shire Council

Why did you apply for the Dick Cahill Scholarship?

I applied for the Dick Cahill Scholarship because I met all the criteria - small council, rural council & under 35. Applying was a no-brainer since the process was very easy, straightforward, and I was attending the conference anyway. 

Do you feel this scholarship helped with your professional development?

Absolutely, this scholarship represents an incredible opportunity for my personal growth and development. Coming from a small council with limited resources, the chance to engage with and learn from other local governments is invaluable. Networking with peers and exchanging ideas not only enriches my own understanding but also equips me with innovative strategies to enhance my council's financial operations. This experience will undoubtedly contribute significantly to my professional journey.

What have you enjoyed most about the Finance Conference?

Everything! This was my first Finance Conference and the whole thing was great. From the speakers, sessions, accommodation, facilities, networking dinners & extra activities, I can’t fault anything. It is a fantastic few days and I highly recommend!

Was there a particular session you enjoyed the most?

There were many but for me personally, I really liked the panel discussions sessions and feel these stood out to me the most. I feel these sessions offered valuable insights into the everyday dynamics of council life and really allowed the audience to engage with one another and discuss many topics.

Was there a particular speaker that you enjoyed listening to?

Mark Bunn, Former AFL Footballer & Author. I thought his talk on health & happiness was fantastic and from this I was able to take away little things that I can incorporate into my daily life that will have an impact on my work performance.