Property Professionals in Local Government 


The scope of property professionals within local government is broad, varied and differs from the private sector.  Balancing the needs of the community, requirements of legislation and procedure can leave even the most seasoned professionals head spinning.

In an effort to share knowledge, improve connections within the sector and leverage stakeholder relationships, the newly formed LG Professionals, NSW, Member Network Committee have created a series of online forums where property professionals can connect, be updated and ask questions with their peers in the industry.  The topics chosen have been curated from the list of frequently asked questions from peers, essential knowledge all property professionals should know, and topics that require a depth of knowledge to progress easily.

Sessions will vary in length from approximately one to two hours, differ in the day of the week and time for their delivery, and allow delegates to interact with the presenters, facilitator and other participants.  The format will be a mix of presentation style, facilitated panel discussions and open questions with the group.  Each session will be specific to the Forum Content, so you can attend the topics that are important to you, or you can attend them all.

Forum Content and Sessions

  • Public Land Management
  • Crown Land Management
  • Road Closures, Openings and Transfers
  • Acquisition of Land and Interest in Land
  • Understanding the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 and Land Claims Process
  • Telecommunication Leases

Benefits for Delegate

Participants will leave each forum with clarified knowledge of property matters that impact council.  

Please note the Property Forums are free for everyone to attend until 2025, when the program will be assessed for their usage, feedback and relevance with the introduction of a Property Professionals Conference. 

Content Suggestions and Membership

To suggest content ideas and topics, please email Gavin Carnegie, on [email protected].  To enquire about becoming a member, email [email protected], or visit the membership tab on the website

Course Dates

Begin DateNameCityEvent Code
10/09/2024Property Forum: Aboriginal Land ClaimsOnlinePROP10924PROP10924
15/10/2024Property Forum: Crown Land ManagementOnlinePROP151024PROP151024
12/11/2024Property Forum: TBCOnlinePROP121124PROP121124
 Enquiries:  Gavin Carnegie
 Phone:  02 8297 1211
 Email:  [email protected]


 Online forums commence monthly from, Tuesday 13 August 2024

   Times may vary for each Property Forum, the first is from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm

 See Course Dates tab below, to register

 Member: Free

 Non-Member: Free until 2025


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