Manager Exchange

Taituarā New Zealand

LG Professionals, NSW is pleased to offer members an opportunity to participate in a unique professional development experience through our Overseas Manager Exchange program. 

The Overseas Manager Exchange is a leadership development opportunity specifically tailored to the local government environment. It provides managers within the sector an opportunity to focus on their management development and career in local government through a short exchange with a partner manager in another country. 

Many members have benefited from the program and through this professional, personal, and cultural experience, have gone back to their council inspired and armed with a better perspective and increased knowledge of local government. Many exchange recipients are surprised how similar the challenges faced by their overseas colleagues are to their own. 

The Exchange provides our members with an outstanding opportunity to learn about local government in New Zealand.

Details on the Exchange

As part of the exchange, an LG Professionals, NSW member:

  • travels to New Zealand for a period of up to two weeks
  • is home hosted by a member of Taituara
  • develops a study tour program with assistance from their home host
  • attends the Taituara Conference in November

LG Professionals, NSW will:

  • cover costs for the member to travel to New Zealand and internal travel to meet up with their New Zealand host and attend the Taituara Conference.
  • introduce the member to their New Zealand host
  • provide the member and incoming exchange delegate with registration and two nights accommodation to attend the Local Government Conference.

The LG Professionals, NSW delegate will: 

  • host the incoming New Zealand Exchange Delegate for a period of up to two weeks during the LG Professionals, NSW Local Government Conference, including home hosting accommodation.
  • assist the incoming delegate with developing their study tour program
  • commit to accompany the New Zealand Exchange Delegate to the Local Government Conference and attend the pre conference dinner
  • travel to New Zealand and attend the Taituara Conference in November. 
  • write a report on the overseas exchange for publication by LG Professional, NSW. 

Key Dates

Nominations Open: 11 December 2023

Nominations Close: 5 April 2024

Scholarship Awarded: 10 May 2024

Incoming Delegate Hosted: August 2024

Conference Dates: 11-13 September 2024

AWARDED: Mary-Anne Crawford, Manager Development and Environmental Services - Singleton Council


2023 Testimonial

"I had a great time meeting new people, learning about the commonalities between NSW and NZ local governments, as well as gaining lots of inspiration. I highly recommend the NZ Manager Exchange to all LG Professionals, NSW members - whatever your role or desired focus area. The experience is what you make it."
- Jenny Gleeson, Manager Corporate Planning & Engagement, North Sydney Council. 

Read Jenny's full report here

Applying for a Manager Exchange

Applications for this program are open to all individual financial members of LG Professionals, NSW with a minimum of one year tenure. When open, members will be invited to apply via our website, which must be received by the closing date.
Based on each applicants’ objectives and visit expectations, the LG Professionals, NSW International Committee will review each application and select the appropriate recipients.  Detailed information provided in the application is crucial to recipient selection and applicants are encouraged to supply all information requested on the application form. Applicants will be invited to an interview as part of the scholarship application process.

Pre-trip Preparation

The successful applicants will be Ambassadors for their Council, LG Professionals, NSW, local government and Australia. This implies a high responsibility.

You must be willing to commit time to the Exchange preparation and execution as well as the time in visiting another country, attending their conference, and hosting the reciprocal delegate for their Exchange. It is important that the exchange delegate is well prepared to ensure a valuable learning experience. Some recipients have found it helpful to discuss this opportunity with members who have already undertaken an exchange. We can provide contact information if required.

Program Planning

For each Exchange, the NSW delegate will liaise with the overseas manager to plan and confirm the itinerary. The NSW delegate will advise their needs and objectives so they can be included in the Exchange itinerary. It is recommended to include surrounding local authorities or those close to the conference venue as well as the hosts LGA in the itinerary.

However, it is important not to over-plan your visit – ensure sufficient leisure time and remain flexible should other last-minute opportunities arise.

Program Costs

LG Professionals, NSW will meet the cost of a return economy airfare for the recipient from their home to the hosting local authority and to the conference in the country of the exchange. LG Professionals, NSW will also provide up to $500 expense allowance to the recipient towards incidental costs associated with the exchange (reimbursed on provision of receipt).

The Exchange delegate will be responsible for ensuring they have a valid passport (with an expiry date of more than six months post the date of the Exchange) and for arranging an adequate travel medical insurance policy.

Taituara will meet registration and two night’s accommodation costs related to the recipient’s attendance at their conference. Expenses not explicitly mentioned here will be the recipient’s responsibility.

Each recipient will make their own flight and travel arrangements (working in close co-operation with LG Professionals, NSW and subject to budget approval). Any additional domestic travel relating to pre or post activity will be arranged by the Exchange recipient working in close co-operation with the Host.
The recipient will be initially responsible for all costs and will then claim the portion of expenditure from LG Professionals, NSW that is subsidised under the Exchange.

The reimbursement arrangements are:

70% of costs will be reimbursed to the recipient by LG Professionals, NSW at the commencement of the Manager Exchange; and
30% (the balance) plus any incidental costs will be reimbursed upon completion of the Exchange Report and reciprocal hosting of the incoming delegate. Should the Exchange recipient not be able to host the incoming delegate at the time of the reciprocal exchange, this portion of the reimbursement will be forfeited and used to subsidise hosting costs.

The Recipient's Responsibility as a Host

Each NSW Host is required to host the visiting Exchange Manager in their home and at their council and attend the LG Professionals, NSW Local Government Conference in Sydney. The NSW Exchange Manager is also responsible for developing an itinerary for the incoming Exchange Manager in line with their goals and objectives. 

Should the incoming Exchange Manager wish to travel with their partner, it will be at the NSW delegates discretion if they are able to host them in their home, or alternate accommodation needs to be arranged (at the incoming Exchange Manager’s expense)

The NSW Host must be able to give maximum attention to their Exchange Manager at our event and in their community. Therefore, they should have the support of their Manager and GM/CEO. Most Exchange Managers have preferred spending time with their NSW Host prior to attending the Annual Conference. This provides a better understanding of the country, the local government system, and the issues likely to be discussed at the conference.


The total value of the scholarship is capped at $2000 to include airfare and accommodation.

Delegates are required to book and pay for their own airfare and accommodation, which is re-imbursed by the association upon receipt of invoices, to a maximum of $2000.

Should delegates wish to upgrade from standard economy seats, this is at their own expense and is not eligible for re-imbursement.

Delegates should arrange for their own travel insurance.

Please also consider the LG Professionals, NSW Scholarship Terms and Conditions before applying.